This Spring delicacy is well worth seeking out! Fiddleheads look like small, tightly wound coils and are a vibrant green in colour. You can find them in all of our locations during the Spring season so here are some ways to enjoy this curiously, cool Spring vegetable!

What are they?
Fiddleheads are the tips of tiny ferns and are only available in the Spring when ferns grow new shoots. Flavour wise – we’d describe them as a cross between spinach and asparagus with a bit of nuttiness.
Can they be eaten raw?
THEY CANNOT BE EATEN RAW! Fiddleheads need to be cooked thoroughly as it’s believed they contain a trace amount of toxin if eaten raw BUT don’t let that discourage you! It’s best to boil them in salted water first for 5-10 minutes to deactivate the toxin and then cook them as you see fit.
How do you prepare them for cooking?
It’s easy! Make sure to enjoy Fiddleheads within a day or two of purchasing as they will be at their most fresh. First, rinse them in a colander and rub off any of the papery brown skin. It’s best to boil them first as mentioned to remove toxins. Our favourite way to enjoy them is sautéed in high heat after boiling for 1-2 minutes in garlic and butter. Finish the dish with a squeeze of lemon, a pinch of salt and enjoy! Fiddleheads make a great side dish or to add some eye candy to a basic stir fry.